Controlling the flow of traffic is the main purpose of rules and regulations on the road. Although laws vary from state to state, motorists and motorcyclists are required to comply. Failure to comply may result in road violations or worse, a fatal traffic accident.
Two Oklahoma residents were reportedly involved in a fatal motorcycle accident out of state recently. A report stated that the victims were sitting on a motorcycle while stopped at a traffic intersection when a car driven by a 68-year-old woman struck them from behind. The rider was thrown from the motorcycle and into the path of a moving pickup truck. The woman passenger on the motorcycle was injured and transported to a local hospital. Unfortunately, the Oklahoma motorcycle rider died at the scene of the crash.
Motorcycle riders are more vulnerable to injuries than car passengers because they have very little protection from impact. It is important for drivers to be cautious when motorcycles share the road. Drivers should be attentive and more focused in order to identify motorcycle riders easily. In doing so, motorcycle accidents due to rear-end collision may be avoided.
Additionally, rear-end accidents can be prevented if a driver maintains an adequate space between their automobile and the vehicle ahead, allowing the driver behind plenty of time to stop in case the flow of traffic unexpectedly slows or stops. A driver who rear-ends another driver is typically at-fault for injuries or damage in an accident. In a car-motorcycle accident in Oklahoma, a traffic violation can be a substantial factor in determining who is liable for injuries and expenses that the victims incur.
Source: News-Leader, “Oklahoma man on motorcycle killed in accident,” April 6, 2014