You have probably seen plenty of rear-end crashes in your time. While various factors may be involved, one error typically stands out – the driver behind was following the one in front too closely.
You cannot always predict what the driver in front of you is going to do, just as they cannot always predict what will happen in front of them.
They might be happily driving along, with you behind them, when:
- A motorbike splutters and loses power in front of them
- A ball bounces out into the road, closely followed by an enthusiastic dog
- A huge puddle of standing water appears on the road around the bend.
If any of these things were to occur, the driver would have to react quickly, hitting the brakes to avoid hitting the hazard. You too would have to hit the brakes to avoid running into the back of them. But you will only succeed with this if you have left a sufficient gap.
How far back is safe?
Road safety experts use three seconds as a starting point. If conditions are ideal, and you and your vehicle are in ideal condition, then three seconds should be enough. Provided of course that you are paying attention.
If road conditions are less than ideal, be that poor visibility or a wet or loose road surface, you should increase the time. If you are drowsy, driving with a sore leg or something else that means you are not at your best, you need to increase the time. If your vehicle is in less than ideal condition, such as having worn brakes or tires, you must increase the distance.
If you are involved in a rear-end collision, you’ll want to know more about your legal options.