While some vehicle accident injuries in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, are minor, brain injuries are a more serious type. A traumatic brain injury covers several types of head injuries, ranging from mild to severe.
Overview of TBIs
Motor vehicle accidents are the second most common cause to traumatic brain injury coming behind falls. A traumatic brain injury can result from a violent jolt or blow to the head, which disrupts the brain’s functions.
A closed TBI does not penetrate the skull, often occurring from hitting dashboards or steering wheels, but they can occur without force. An open TBI happens when the skull is penetrated and needs immediate medical attention.
An example of a mild closed TBI is a concussion, which may cause nausea, vomiting, headaches, and ringing in the ears. Concussions commonly resolve on their own within two weeks with treatment, but symptoms may last longer in some people. A diffuse axonal injury is a more serious brain trauma that damages the fibers from the brain rotating in the skull.
Recovering TBI damages
To bring a case against the at-fault driver, the plaintiff must prove the connection of the TBI to the accident. The injured driver should get treatment by a neurologist and a neuropsychologist immediately after the accident for scans to use as evidence.
Delayed onset symptoms from TBI often make litigation tricky because they can be similar to another condition and get misdiagnosed. Delayed onset symptoms cause the victim to feel like they aren’t injured, but the adrenalin keeps them from appearing. Litigation can also be filed against the makers of airbags, seatbelts, or other vehicle devices that fail to work properly.
A TBI patient may also recover pain and suffering, emotional distress, and lost wages. However, patients only have two years to bring a claim against the at-fault driver under the statutes of limitations.